
Obama Queen's writers submitted his resignation to any Hollywood screenwriter

Obama's second presidential inauguration speech Introduction ringing in our ears, and many people know, this speech is only 31 years old Qiaofeifuluo ghostwriter. This and Obama empathy, can read Obama thinking people ", he is said to carry the the Obama early years of the autobiography," My father's dream. However, several media reports, a Queen "pen" actually going to Hollywood to write the screenplay.

The Los Angeles Times reported that in the 5th, after time effectiveness for Obama, Fei Fuluo 4 have been proposed bid farewell, his role in the end of this month will be replaced by Cody Keenan. Feifu Luo 2003 for the current Secretary of State John Kerry's presidential campaign written speech, the following year when Obama, at a young age, he interrupted Obama, pointed out the error in his speech, caused by the Obama team interest . The 2005 Obama aides later served as White House press secretary Robert Gibbs officially Obama recommend Fei Fuluo. Of Mr Obama has sent elected Senator, Fei Fuluo become total his speech writer; Obama became president in 2009, Fei Fuluo into the White House, becoming the first pen. Fei Fuluo passion strongly partisan self Xinxinbaopeng, the Obama calling him a "friend and partner" in his parting words.

Feifu Luo revealed that he will stay in Washington for a few days, but he has repeatedly told friends that own vision is to become a playwright. Obama adviser Plouffe, Fei Fuluo has talents as a screenwriter, because of his versatility comedy, historical drama, drama, suspense drama are alone.

Interestingly, the final screenwriter Obama "pen" team is also commonly known as the "West Wing writers not only his one. Bifeifuluo a year younger, good speech writing financial Thyolo Witt before the start of the election campaign last year, he retired and has now become a comedy scriptwriter.

